Inserting media
Inserting a GIF: Adding an animated GIF to a slide works in exactly the same way as adding an image. In the menu bar go to Insert > Image > Upload from computer, then select the GIF from your computer. The GIF will appear on your slide and begin looping. You can edit it in the same way you would edit a static image such as a JPEG.
Go to the Insert tab in the menu bar and select Video to open up the Insert video window. At the top of the window you will see two tabs; YouTube and Google Drive. These are the two places you can get videos from.
The YouTube tab shows a search bar and the YouTube saudi arabia country code phone number logo. Type into the search bar to search for any video on YouTube. As with any media you use in your presentations — make sure you have the rights to use the video you choose. Click on the video you want to use and then hit Select. The video will now appear on your slide. You can move it around or resize it like any other Slides object. To watch the video, click the play button in the centre of the video. This works in both normal and Slideshow mode. If you already have a link to a YouTube video you wish to use, paste it into the box labelled Paste YouTube URL here. Once entered, hit Select and the video will appear on your slide.
If you have a local copy of the video you want to show (in MP4 format, for example), you can upload it to Drive and then use the Google Drive tab to search and locate it. Once you have found your video, hit Select and it will be added to your slide.
Screenshot of the insert video pop-up box in Google Slides
If you need to set a specific start and end time for your video (so that it only plays a chosen section of the content) here’s how to do it. Once your video has been added to your slide, right click it and select Format options. In the new window that appears to the right, click the Video playback drop down. From there you can input the desired start and end times by typing into the boxes. Once completed, the video will start and end at the chosen times whenever it is played, in both Slideshow mode and normal view.
You can also choose when your video plays. On click will play when you click anywhere on the slide, Automatically will just start the video without any action from you, and Manually means that you’ll need to hover over the video and click Play to get it to start.