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How to quantify B2B Brand Value?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:06 am
by suchona.kan.iz
The differential tool is relational and is called the Sales Network. As much as we try to underestimate the value of the B2B sales representative or Professional in the eyes of an increasingly autonomous and digital buyer, he is undoubtedly the key element to develop a great B2B Brand Value.

B2B companies, thanks to their commercial networks, speak to and know the entire decision-making group. With the support of Marketing, they can help the client in a personalized way with implementation and differentiation.

A B2B brand that needs to make a difference needs omnichannel indonesia business email list experiences but with people, who when needed, provide a different value than what can be found online or in a product. This is the challenge.


Without a doubt, everything associated with a good Industrial or B2B Brand Value must be measured.

This is a very unique aspect for each company. Designing a measurement system and therefore a quantification of B2B brand value must be very customized.

From our perspective and experience, measuring Awareness, Satisfaction and Perception compartmentalized by segments of active and potential customers should be the way forward.