Example of Google Slides slide showing creative imagery
Replace bullet points with simple iconography: Consider removing large chunks of text and replacing them with simple icons that speak to the larger themes of your slide. Icons are much more visually interesting — and less daunting — than long blocks of text! Here’s a great tutorial that shows you how to make a lovely two-toned icon directly in Google Slides in less than four minutes!
Use high quality photography- not stock photo clichés: Before saudi arabia code number mobile we move on to choosing the right images, it’s important to source images that you have permission to use. Aim to use high quality imagery from free websites like unsplash.com, rather than pulling straight from Google Images, where the majority of content is copyright-protected. Don’t underestimate the power of photography. The image choice you make will have an impact on how your brand is perceived. The right photography can create a positive atmosphere and sense of finesse around you and your presentation; cheesy stock images will have the opposite effect!
Example of a slide using cheesy stock photography in Google Slides
This image uses unrealistic and cheesy imagery that the audience may struggle to relate to. They may, as a result, not take you or your brand seriously. There’s also a lot of text on the slide, which the audience will read instead of listening to what you are saying.
slide example, this time using an appropriate stock image
This image, on the other hand, shows a more realistic depiction of events that audiences may be able to better relate to. Using high quality, modern-looking stock-photography also helps to paint your brand and your presentation in a better light. Reduced text means your audience can focus instead on the imagery and on listening to what you are saying.